Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Todd Schlafer Workshop Saturday April 8 2017

NBS Members and Friends, Todd Schlafer will be spending two full days with the NBS on Saturday, April 8, at Lauritzen Gardens in Omaha and on Sunday, April 9, at Finke Gardens in Lincoln. Each workshop will start at 8 am and finish up around 5 pm, with a break for lunch at Noon. The format will be bring-your-own-tree and/or purchase a tree in advance from Todd. He is currently working on photographing and pricing tree's for the workshop. I expect to have a link to that information sometime next week and will forward it once it becomes available.

 The workshop will be $100 per day and is limited to six participants. Members will also have the opportunity to observe the workshop for a small fee of $15. Payment for any of the material Todd is offering can be made in conjunction with your payment for the workshop, once it becomes available. When I've confirmed your place in the workshop and reserved your choice in material, payment can be made. If you are paying by check, please make checks payable to the Nebraska Bonsai Society and mail to our Treasurer, Tom Kipp. Payment needs to be collected no later than Saturday, April 1, unless other arrangements are made with Tom.

 Tom Kipp twkipp@yahoo.com

 Please let me know asap if you'd like to enroll!

First Branch Bonsai
Todd is a student of Ryan Neil’s and specializes in Colorado Blue Spruce, among other species native to the Rocky Mountains. He's also the proprietor of First Branch Bonsai. The photo featured was taken at Todd's vending area at The Artisans Cup in 2015. 

Find him: 
